Guide to laying artificial grass between pavers

Yes, you can! Installing turf between pavers is very similar to installing an artificial lawn, with a few key differences. You will need to place the hardscape first and then install the turf. Trying to complete this project in reverse by laying grass first and then the pavers can result in damaged turf and a less attractive result.
Combining pavers with artificial grass can give your garden a neater and more unique look, without the issues that can occur when putting real grass or loose surfacing materials between pavers.
Installing pavers with artificial grass between them does add a few extra steps and considerations to the project. To get the best results, we recommend having your artificial grass installed by one of our experts. If you are confident in your DIY abilities, however, the process is not too complicated. Here is our step by step guide to installing artificial grass between pavers:
The edges of your artificial turf are subject to the most wear and tear, so durability is an important consideration when installing thin strips of synthetic grass between pavers. Shorter piles such as our Gold or Riviera products help to prevent tripping and snagging that can damage the turf as well as present a danger.
To be stable and drain properly, artificial turf requires a level surface and a base of material to maintain its shape. There are many options for base material. For installation between pavers, we recommend a harder material that compacts well, so that it stays level with the pavers over time.
The elevation of drainage fill should be less than half an inch below ground level after compacting to avoid creating a trip hazard. When compacting the drainage fill, use a hand tamper to compact it evenly. If the drainage fill is not properly compacted then the turf ribbons may settle to a lower position over time, making your lawn uneven. This would allow water to collect under the turf and cause it to change shape. Besides creating a trip hazard, it also increases the chance of tearing the artificial turf.
Laying and compacting sub-base in between pavers is an annoying task. Most tamping tools, even hand tampers, won’t fit in the space. However, you can improvise an effective solution with a brick or plank that will fit into these gaps and hitting it with a hammer or mallet.
Next, roll the artificial grass over the top of the pavers. Leave it there for at least 4 hours. This gives the grass fibers time to recover and stand up after being compressed in the packaging and lets the grass backing start to mold around the shape of the pavers. Make sure all the turf ribbons are laid out with the grass fibers facing the same direction and walk between the pavers to help press the ribbons into the gaps. Leaving some overlap between each ribbon is a good idea, as it will give you more room for error when it comes to connecting these pieces.
Once the grass is laid out and rested, you need to fix it to the ground temporarily while you work. You can do this by nailing the grass down between the pavers, putting nails about an inch apart. This will make it much easier to cut the turf precisely. The nails are coming back out later, so they don’t need to be hammered down completely.
If this is not possible due to working on a hard surface like concrete, find some other way to weigh the turf down so it won’t move as you work.
This step requires a lot of care to get the best look.
Carefully cut around the edge of each paver, keeping the knife pressed against the side of the paver at a consistent angle. Make short cuts angled upwards and away from your body, using your other hand to roll the turf and pull the ribbon taut.
Cutting the turf in this way makes it easier to avoid damaging the turf, and also makes the job safer for you. Swapping out your utility knife with a fresh, sharp blade also makes the job easier and safer by reducing unexpected snags.
Now you need to attach all of the turf ribbons to each other to create a seamless lawn. Trim the edges of each ribbon to create a gap of about half an inch between each ribbon. The grass fibers will hide this gap. If the bottom of each mat were to meet, this would create lines of bunched-up fibers on your lawn that are unsightly.
Then you can glue the ribbons together. Fold the edges back and lay jointing tape, with the shiny side face down. Hold the grass back and press down on the tape to spread the adhesive. Try to keep the blades of grass from getting onto the glue.
All that is left to do now is install the infill. Infill is a type of fine sediment made of various materials such as sand, rubber, or cork. It helps to keep grass blades upright, cool the lawn, and aid in drainage.
When installing artificial grass between pavers, make sure that you add the infill slowly and precisely, as each narrow strip of turf needs even distribution of infill. Give the artificial grass a firm brushing to fluff up the fibers and make things look more natural, and you are all done!
To get more of our expert tips on artificial grass installation, contact us today to discuss your next garden project.
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